He Cometh with Clouds - A Baha'i View of Christ's Return
Gary Matthews

He Cometh with Clouds - A Baha'i View of Christ's Return

Regular price £20.28
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No impending event has ever been hailed with keener anticipation than the Second Coming of Christ. Nearly a hundred generations of Christians have turned their faces to the skies, eager to greet the Lord as He descends in power and glory, seen by every eye. Millions have implored God to hasten that Day when - as the scriptures foretell - the stars will fall from heaven, the dead will rise to stand before God and Christ in final judgement, and the saints will be 'caught up . . . in the clouds' to reign with their Lord over 'new heavens and a new earth'.

Does God keep His promises? Will Christ return - or has He already come?

Pages: 416 
Dimensions: 210 x 138 mm (8.75 x 5.5 in)
Weight: 502 g
ISBN: 978-0-85398-408-5

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