Baha'i Community of the British Isles 1844–1963 - (e-book £19.99)
A Thorne, M Momen, J Rose, E Redman
Baha'i House of Worship - Design, Construction and Community
Joe Carter and Nooshfar Afnan
Concept of Peace in the Baha'i Faith
Miguel Santesteban Gil
Companion to the Study of the Epistle of the Son of the Wolf (e-book £19.99)
Lameh Fananapazir
Steadfastness in the Covenant - Responding to Tests and Tribulations (e-book £7.50)
Abdu’l-Missagh Ghadirian
Most Noble Pattern - Essays on the Writings of the Bab
Todd Lawson, Omid Ghaemmaghami
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Julio Savi
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Psyche and Eros - Baha'i Studies In A Spiritual Psychology
Rhett Diessner
Baha'i Ethics in Light of Scripture, Volume 1 - Doctrinal Fundamentals
Udo Schaefer
Spirit of Agriculture - Essays on the Importance of Agriculture
Paul Hanley
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Charles Lerche
Baha'i Faith and The World's Religions - Papers Presented at the Irfan Colloquia
Moojan Momen
Jesus & Christianity of Gospels
Daniel Grolin
Re-thinking, Re-visioning, Re-Placing - From Neoplatonism to Bahá'í in a Jung way.
Theo Cope
Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time - An Exploration of Several Areas of the Sacred in the Baha'i Faith
John Walbridge
Basic Baha'i Chronology - Baha'i History from the 18th Century to 1996
Glenn Cameron
Baha'i References to Judaism, Christianity & Islam
James Heggie
Imperishable Dominion - The Baha'i Faith and the Future of Mankind