Lifeline - A Life of Prayer and Service as Experienced by Meherangiz Munsiff, Knight of Baha'u'llah - (e-book £9.99)
Meherangiz and Jyoti Munsiff
Human Heart - One and Undivided - (e-book £7.50)
Wolfgang A. Klebel
Science and Art of Being Human - Questioning Accepted Understandings: A Baha'i Perspective
Margaret Appa
Navigating Materialistic Minefields - (e-book £9.99)
Vivian Bartlett
Beyond Pandemic - A Rebirth Of Collective Consciousness - (e-book £4.99)
Michael Winger
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Kiser Barnes
Calm handbook - A Communal Approach to Learning
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Second Century Believers
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Time and the Baha'i Era - Second edition - A Study of the Badi Calendar
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Conscious Courtship - Finding Someone to Love for the Rest of Your Life - (e-book £7.50)
Raymond Switzer
Thoughts - Education for Peace and One World: A Studybook for Moral Education
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Mindful Matrimony - Enriching Your Marriage for the Rest of your Lives
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Supreme Remedy - Applying Natural Healing Arts to the Baha'i Fast
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Fire and Gold - Quotations on Benefiting from Life's Tests
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Daybreak - Passages from the Writings to assist in daily study of the Teachings
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Meditation - Using the Baha'i Scriptures as a Focus for Meditation
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Nurturing a Healthy Human Spirit - Experience from the Swindon Young People’s Empowerment Programme - (e-book £7.50)
Spiritual Mothering - Toward an Ever-Advancing Civilization
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Calm - Coordinator's Manual