Navigating Materialistic Minefields - (e-book £9.99)
Navigating Materialistic Minefields - (e-book £9.99)
Navigating Materialistic Minefields - (e-book £9.99)
Navigating Materialistic Minefields - (e-book £9.99)
Vivian Bartlett

Navigating Materialistic Minefields - (e-book £9.99)

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We stand at the crossroads, each minute, each hour, each day, making choices. We choose the thoughts we allow ourselves to think, the passions we allow ourselves to feel, and the actions we allow ourselves to perform. Each choice is made in the context of whatever value system we’ve selected to govern our lives.                   Benjamin Franklin

This book describes a journey of search that enabled author Viv Bartlett to navigate around the obstacles that he calls ‘materialistic minefields’. Written in a conversational style and often drawing on his personal experience, it nonetheless explores profound questions.

Among these are the views, opinions and attitudes of a society that has disconnected its thinking from higher realities, so that individuals everywhere are tending to sink into a materialistic way of life that is in the last resort deeply unsatisfying. The increase in materialistic assumptions about reality has also led to general scepticism about humanity’s capacity to rise to a higher level of civilization.

But the choice between a materialistic or a spiritual perspective is a daily personal one. Looking at history as an evolutionary process and drawing on the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith, Bartlett sees the ‘knowledge of the oneness of mankind and the fundamental oneness of religion’ as necessary and inevitable to the gradual emergence of the maturity of humankind.

About the Author

Born and brought up in Cardiff, Wales, Viv Bartlett left school at 15 with no qualifi-cations and became an apprentice in an engineering firm, playing guitar in a rock group in his spare time. At 20 he became a Bahá’í and shortly after qualified as a tradesman, joining the Merchant Navy as a Junior Engineer Officer. After travelling the world for two years he came home to South Wales, married and had children, and decided to become a teacher. Attending night school three evenings a week after work brought him the qualifications to go to college and by the age of 30 he had a B. Ed Hons degree and started teaching Design. Later on in life he and his wife, Rita, became foster-carers.

Viv served on several national Bahá’í committees. As an Auxiliary Board member for over 20 years he had an educational and pastoral role in the community with a special interest in the development of young people. He has travelled extensively lecturing on the Bahá’í Faith.

Print on Demand
Soft cover
: 402
Dimensions: 216 x 140 mm
Weight:  510g

ISBN: 978-0-85398-653-9

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