Beyond Pandemic - A Rebirth Of Collective Consciousness - (e-book £4.99)
Beyond Pandemic - A Rebirth Of Collective Consciousness - (e-book £4.99)
Beyond Pandemic - A Rebirth Of Collective Consciousness - (e-book £4.99)
Michael Winger

Beyond Pandemic - A Rebirth Of Collective Consciousness - (e-book £4.99)

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What lies beyond Covid-19? How does it challenge humanity as a whole and ourselves as individuals to bring about change?

The global pandemic that changed the world in early 2020, and the subsequent challenges that are emerging as a result, propel us to consider what is beyond this moment. The spirit of humanity, challenged daily by increasing trauma, requires constant reflection on who we are and who we collectively want to be. How can we arise to create a global collective consciousness? What is latent within humanity to bring about the transformation required?

Among the most provocative and profound resources for the journey before us are observation and discovery within the natural and scientific world. This book identifies four essential questions that challenge our thinking, and weaves a web of scientific discovery and spiritual exploration through the magic of storytelling.

The purpose of this book is to provide the traveller on his or her spiritual path with a guide to develop the discipline necessary for the journey. At this time of world peril, we look for answers and directions to take that will assist humanity as a whole, and ourselves as individuals, to reach safe shores and calm waters.


Michael Winger has contributed an interesting selection of inspirational stories highlighting the centre and heart of his book Beyond Pandemic: A Rebirth of Collective Consciousness. To these he has added provocative questions for reflection and discussion, many with roots in the world of science, that make reading this book an adventure in itself. I congratulate all who intend to embark on this global journey. Peo Akerdahl, Retired Professor, University of Gävle, Sweden

As a reader who is not a Bahá’í, or not-yet Bahá’í, I enjoyed this captivating book. It sends a strong message about the way we should change our mindset and look at the world, not only focusing on our personal prosperity, but being concerned equally for the collective prosperity of all. Michael shares not only his life’s experience, but also provides insights from science and others’ stories that make the mystical more approachable. Many of us will become better persons after reading this book! Marin Škufca, CEO, Liburnia Maritime Agency

... inspired from the very beginning. Michael really pulled it all together. It’s everything I'd ever hoped to read in connection with science, religion and the Bahá’í Faith ... I'm convinced this book will reach many searching hearts as it has my own. Julie McKinney, Costa Rica

Utterly engaging. Michael has taken the science behind belief and made it not only palatable for simpler minds, like my own, but confirming for those who knew it all along. I think this book will meet an important need within the young by giving them new tools... Andi Seals, artist and author

About the author

Michael Winger’s lifelong commitment to business innovation and diversity enabled his professional career to move from product innovation to organizational innovation in both the private and government sectors. His work in change management and strategic change brought him to advising senior management of Fortune 500 companies and senior leadership of the United States military, Department of Energy and other government agencies. Public speaking in his professional field has included, among many others, presentations at Carnegie-Mellon University on the integration of technology, business acumen and human dynamics; and on entrepreneurship at the The Innovation Imperative talks at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London in the United Kingdom.

Michael has also served with various organizations that promote racial unity and the equality of women and men, including assistance in the development of strategic focus for NGOs on the status of women worldwide, for presentation to the United Nations General Assembly, as well as strategic consulting to the Tahirih Justice Center, an NGO that provides legal support to abused women seeking immigration status in the United States.

A dedication to the fostering of racial harmony and cultural diversity has taken him to over 45 countries, and to live in six, bringing the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith that foster the oneness of mankind and the development of a world consciousness.

In 2010, Michael retired from active business involvement and went pioneering for the Bahá’í Faith to Croatia where he currently resides.

Michael’s previous books include Friendship, Fellowship and Transformation, published by George Ronald (2015); Innovation Imperative: Your Future Depends on It (2009), and Journey of Ascent (2014).


ISBN: 978-0-85398-638-6
Pages: 130 pages
Dimensions: 203 x 127 mm
Weight: 158g
Published: 2020

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