Another Song, Another Season - Poems and Portrayals
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Here is a collection of the poems and prose of a writer who won a considerable reputation in Bahá’í circles.
Included are vivid, sympathetic portraits of martyrs, pioneers, and ordinary people: shining through is a poet’s vision - fresh, unique, sometimes satirical, but never superficial.
About the Author
Roger White, a native of Toronto, Canada, won an enthusiastic international readership and critical acclaim in several quarters through publication of his first collection of poems, 'Another Song, Another Season'. A second collection, 'The Witness of Pebbles', appeared in 1981, and his novel about the early days of the Bahá'í community in Paris before the First World War, 'A Sudden Music', in 1983.
Pages: 184
Dimensions: 216 x 140 mm (8.5 x 5.5 ins)
Weight: 246 g
ISBN: 978-0-85398-088-9